I created this robot in 2023 as my capstone project for AP research. I developed all of the CAD models, circuits, and code for this project. You can read my full paper here.
I am currently working on completing full documentation for this project. I am also working on a few iterations to make the arm more reliable. Updated code and video coming soon.
Recent advancements in gesture-controlled robotics and soft robotics have led to significant developments in compliant systems. This study examines the intersection of these fields through the development of a gesture-controlled robotic arm equipped with a soft gripper. The 4 DOF prototype is controlled through a flex sensor and accelerometer mounted to a control glove, which communicates to the arm via bluetooth modules. Through distinct hand gestures (Up, Down, Right, Left, Open, Close), a user can move the arm and control the soft gripper. By evaluating the assembly through its ability to grasp objects of varying masses, shapes, sizes, and textures, the prototype demonstrates intuitive and adaptable control for object manipuation.